Friday, July 15, 2011

Coyote attacks in Baldwin Park?

Sorry to be harsh, but if you want honesty, your article not only is very poorly written, but sounds like a bunch of propaganda. You obviously know NOTHING about coyotes, and I really wish uneducated people would stop spreading vicious lies about native wildlife. Yes, there are coyotes in the LA area..and anyone living here should keep their pets INDOORS at night unless under supervision. Just because there are irresponsible pet owners unwilling to keep their pets safe does not mean that coyotes are evil. They are animals in nature doing what they should be doing. Anyone living in LA that does not know to watch their pets when outside, especially in the evening and night are just morons!! They are NOT encroaching on our cities, WE are encroaching on their habitat. They have ALWAYS been here..we have not. Humans are the main cause of habitat destruction throughout the world...WE are to blame if wild animals are eating our pets. Coyotes are of NO harm to humans and will usually try to avoid human contact if at all possible. Some have become acclimated to humans and are not afraid, but this does not mean they are going to attack you. Pets and people are quite different. Pets are just small prey items to coyotes..wild animals do not understand the concept of "pets". They are just looking for a meal, and when people offer a free meal by leaving their pet outside unattended in an area coyotes are present..they are just asking for their pet to be eaten. I work along side coyotes on a daily basis, and have NEVER been threatened by one. In fact, I often end up scaring them. I also have pets..but I keep them inside where they will be safe from wildlife, and where they will not be able to harm native wildlife as well. If you are going to write articles like this in the future..please educate yourself and get some real scientific facts..not a bunch of alarmist, propaganda. As a biologist I often help educate people about the benefits of having wildlfie around and try to dispell harmful myths...then people like you come along and ruin that for everyone. Do more research, get ALL the facts..don't take sides, remain neutral and unbiased.

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