Thursday, July 21, 2011

What is the movie where.................?

I saw this one around 2003 and am not sure if it was brand new at the time but it definitely wasn't more than a few years old. The opening scene is two guys in bed, one under a sheet performing oral sex on the other and having a conversation in his head about whether or not he should swallow, he ends up going for that option and his partners tells him he shouldn't have done that because they just met. Later the same guy gets attacked in an alley and raped with a broom handle by some homophobic guy who the main character ends up actually raping later in the film. I think there is also a Lesbian couple in the film as well.I know this all sounds pretty odd but I can't for the life of me remember the title of the film.

Who is eduardo sanchez?

Eduardo Miguel S�nchez-Quiros (born December 20, 1968) is a Cuban-born American director most famous for co-directing and writing the 1999 film The Blair Witch Project with Daniel Myrick.

I need answerss . . .?

I havent had a period since april 17 that was my last period. My boyfriend and I dont use protection, i soon noticed that my boobs have grew large an sore, my nipples are always hard, and huge and dark. I get tired/sleepy all the time and take naps throughout the day. My lower stomach is hard as a rock an it was never like that. On june 18 i began to bleed but was very light an then it quit BUT now i bleed again but its not my normal period because it doesnt bleed as much as a period, i dont understand if its normal, my bf's tia/mom say its normal an i been reading that it was to but im not sure i need advice from ppl that have been preg an this has happened to them

Please rate these films?

the town is very good and 127 is very bad,so should watch city of god,has subs but still very good

How to get a body like this?!?

Try reducing your calorie intake a little, eating healthily (lots of protein, green veg) and doing cardio to burn off any fat- it'll make any muscle you have appear more toned. Muscular endurance exercises like crunches, sit ups and leg lifts will help you to tone your core muscles.

Arsenal fans do you think Eduardo will...................?

Well if Eduardo actually plays in the Champions League final than yes it would be great but I think that he wont play because the stupid Shaktar coach only plays Brazilians who have only played in Brazil and Ukraine over the one who played in the best league in the world

Where do you see WWE in 10 years?

I think the way Vince is running his business i see it at bankruptcy maybe in 10 years. I really do. I've looked at the company's fundamentals and earnings and i can honestly say annually and quarterly the company is going done the tubes. Less cash flow year by year, less earnings, less growth, crappy revenue, balance sheets and income statements to the crap hole, and worst of all WWE values it's company more than it's actually worth. 10 years ago the company was worth in the multi-billions today it claims it's worth 900 million but that's not even true according to their fundamentals. Seriously this PG era is going to make Vince go broke. If they continue with the PG thing and make it even worse do you see the company going out of business in the future?